November 03, 2011
Wit & Fancy
I have started writing for a independent digital magazine, Wit & Fancy. It is directed at young females, and covers different topics such as new media, feminism, fashion, beauty, health, gadgets & tech, travel etc. Below you will find two entries written by me for the beauty and fashion section.
Well-being on a november morning
November’s cold and dark mornings does not exactly colour your mood in shades of summer. It is in November that we experience the downsides of setting back the time. It can be so hard to adjust to setting our clocks back one hour, especially in the morning. An hour can do so much to your mood. To be stressed, depressed, demotivated or colourless does nothing for your beauty and well being. Beauty is not only about various products, which aim to reduce impurities, minimise signs of aging or to provide moisture or something else. Beauty is more abstract.... Read more here.
Style on Film: Breakfast at Tiffany's
October is marking the 50th anniversary of the iconic, classic and urbane romantic comedy Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961). Audrey Hepburn’s name has ever since been synonymous with her iconic portrayal of Holly Golightly, the New York socialite who is always sophisticatedly dressed and quirky in the company of others. When alone, however, she swiftly changes mood. In the confines of her apartment, we meet a young woman suffering from neurotic tendencies where the art of dressing sophisticatedly is what drags her out of bed to tend to her duties. In a scene with the leading male character, Paul Varjak, as portrayed by George Peppard, she is frantically talking and looking for her stuff. When her shoes are found she utters in stress, “dress, dress” as she retrieves a little black dress from her closet.... Read more here.
September 28, 2011
COS virtual store
COS has just launched their online store where everybody can buy the outfits that little sister H&M looks up to. COS is chic fashion within reach, not just a rich person's affair. I adore!
September 19, 2011
the (complex) art of beauty.
I remember Dawson's Creek, never really a fan, always just watching when nothing else was on. I never really got into the storylines, and never really grasped what it was about, but I always found Michelle Williams beautiful. And her beauty has only been magnified.
In my preteen years my TV was my source for everything, for my learning English, for shaping my views on things etc. It didn't shock anybody (teachers, family, friends) when I told a playmate, when I was 8, that I couldn't play with her today over the phone, due to the fact that The Bold and the Beautiful was about to air. I watched The Bold and the Beautiful religiously for a period of time, and albeit the fact that it was weird for an 8-year-old, I was allowed to watch it. And I am glad I was. It wasn't the prototypical show for girls my age, however, it taught me a lot of things about beauty. Ever since, beauty to me has been developing gradually, changing its form and becoming more complex. Beauty can easily be viewed prosaically, we are constantly stimulated by adds with beautiful people, beautiful photoshopped people, advertising for whatever company, and these adds are viewed upon prosaically. Always so literal.
Beauty to me is many things. An item of clothing; the silky chic french blouse in stripes that you must own, a big tree that has been living a long life, people who carries themselves so gracefully, my friends whose style resembles their personalities... I can go on. There are so many beautiful things and people. However, most of the time beauty, to me, is something you experience. It is easy to label things beautiful, but beauty is something that you can experience when you, for instance, buy a beautiful dress. In an instance, "you almost fall in beauty" with said item, but it is not fixed. You can grow to find the dress ugly and not your taste.
This beautiful Hobo Magazine cover featuring cover girl Michelle Williams triggered these thoughts on beauty, so I have to share. I found Michelle Williams beautiful as I watched her on Dawson's Creek, and in an instant I am reminded of the experience of seeing her on TV when I saw this cover. She is still very beautiful.
Please share your notions on beauty.
Picture source
September 17, 2011
paris & new york.
"A friendly visual match between two cities told by a lover of Paris wandering through NewYork. Details, clichés, contradictions : This way, please."
Vahram Muratyan is the graphic designer and artist behind this exhibition, which is currently ongoing at Colette. A very quirky series of images that conveys the difference between the two cities in a very charming way. Amélie's fine shortcut meets Carrie's blonde curls in a battle, as does the macaron and cupcake, who wins? You tell me.
jar of random buttons.
Cosmopolitan at home
This parking lot makes me wish I had a driver's license

Gold is the new black
Berry is the new candy
The suitcase chair by Sut Kutusu
Alexander McQueen dresses (resort 2012) via
September 11, 2011
the art of remembering.
Model Coco Rocha posted this picture on twitter [link]. And what a beautiful way to remember the victims of 9/11.
I was 11 years-old. At handball practice, engaged in a conversation with a girl, Louise who has been one of my best friends ever since, when the TV was turned on. I remember. It was like we were on TV and some viewer had activated the mute and we were turned of. Silence.
Ten years.
Tell the ones you love that you love them today. Do it to honour the families of the victims that lost their loved ones. Do it with love. <3
September 09, 2011
diamond in the rough.
“I’ve been obsessed with Cecily Brown’s paintings recently,” says jewelry designer Dana Lorenz at Vogue’s sneak preview of her spring collection for Fenton, which she’ll present on Friday. And it was the abstract flourishes of Brown’s painting Night Passage in particular that captivated her imagination and brought to mind the hues and undulating curves of Miami’s Art Deco architecture. “It became about reflecting the colors, geometry and general spirit of South Beach after that,” Lorenz says. [pictures and italics from Vogue]
As I have mentioned before, I find it so refreshing when fashion and art meets. It is as if the designer manages to find the diamonds in the rough in paintings and works by artists, and translates this into fashion. The painting that Dana Lorenz refers to is vibrant in pastel tones. It seems as if Lorenz has used the yellow and orange colour as source of inspiration for her Spring 2012 collection. I definitely think that her jewellery will complement the minimalism and colour block trends that seems to be dominating the runways.
[Night Passage by Cecily Brown. Painting source]
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