September 17, 2011

paris & new york.

"A friendly visual match between two cities told by a lover of Paris wandering through NewYork. Details, clichés, contradictions : This way, please." 

Vahram Muratyan is the graphic designer and artist behind this exhibition, which is currently ongoing at Colette. A very quirky series of images that conveys the difference between the two cities in a very charming way. Amélie's fine shortcut meets Carrie's blonde curls in a battle, as does the macaron and cupcake, who wins? You tell me.


  1. Oh amazing shotsss, love!

    Dont you see the big Armani giveaway on my blog! :) dont forget to visit!

  2. I love this!!!! you have no idea how cute this post is.. im a graphic designer so I really love this kind of art!!

  3. @Modafobik, I will definitely check out your blog.

    @Francesca, I found the website a few months ago and bookmarked it. Last night I was browsing my bookmarks and was reminded of this, I had to post it! It is really cute and so charming. I am glad you like it. You should check out Muratyan's personal website, I am sure you would find a lot of his works interesting - as you both have graphic designer backgrounds. :)

    Thank you for commenting.

  4. Cool billedserie! Man kan da ikke vælge mellem Paris og New York! :) Jeg vil BÅDE havde cupcakes og macarons!

  5. @Maria, Jeg er også splittet mellem cupcakes og macarons! Lige lækre. Jeg har aldrig været i Paris eller New York, så denne serie får nærmest min rejselyst til at blomstre.

  6. Fede billeder, med nogle gode sammenligninger :)
